
More Weekend Pics

Friday night AnnMarie just zonked...she is so beautiful I had a hard time putting her down to sleep.
She loves lions and this shirt was on sale...when I showed it to her first she was very excited and talked to it. She was a little annoyed that I took it away to put it on her.She really is just not sure about the camera. I can't get her to be ok with it, she freezes up and just stares.

Ringing her hands waiting for our company on Saturday.
Saturday night was just us girls...Dad was fishing. We were playing her favorite game and making all sorts of faces at each other. :O)What's a funny face without the tongueShe loves, loves, loves Tammy. Monday morning when I got to her house she wouldn't have anything to do with me.
Monday night we had to get ready to have the carpet laid down stairs. she was just observing us running around.She got sick of her chair and wanted to play but wanted to be mad. She couldn't make up her mind...but she is fascinated by the spinning rattle!

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