
She is so strong!

AnnMarie is getting so strong. Each day she surprises me. She can go from laying down to almost sitting up, and can keep herself there for short periods of time.

She has no interest in the swing or bouncer that we have been using up until now. She wants to be sitting or standing up all the time. Unfortunately she has maintained the stubborn streak she showed before she was born and since she can’t do these things on her own, she insists on being held. We can put her down and let her scream, and I swear she wouldn’t stop…ever. We got a little chair for her, but she is still unsteady sitting by herself, so our arm muscles continue to grow.

AnnMarie in her chair frustrated that she can't just do what she wants...sit up steady and play with the toys.

1 comment:

Heidi Lynn said...

Ha ha That picture is hilarious! I can't believe she is already that big!!!